Durian Dumplings
Durian Dumplings: an Unmistakeable Flavor
Durian has an indescribable flavor. Only by tasting it for oneself can one truly experience the essence of its flavor.
- 2.2 pounds (1,000 grams) golden pillow durian
- 10.5 ounces (300 grams) roti prata
- 2 spoonfuls sugar
- 1 spoonful olive oil
Please see measurements in grams to be more exact for all ingredients and seasonings.
Cooking Directions
- Prepare golden pillow durian and roti prata. Set aside.
- Remove fruit from durian and remove the shreds. Add some sugar.
- Use spoon to mash fruit into a paste. Cut roti prata into dumpling wrappers. Place fruit into dumpling wrappers and roll up into a dumpling shape.
- Set aside wrapped dumplings.
- Heat pan and add some olive oil.
- Remove hot olive oil and add room-temperature olive oil to pan. Reduce heat to low. Fry durian dumplings until both sides are golden brown.
- While frying, add a bit of water, and then cover pan. Dumplings will be ready to serve after 3-5 minutes.
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