Seafood Dumplings
Let Unfamiliar China show you how to make the best-tasting seafood dumplings. We will describe in exact detail how to season them properly, share the tricks to make them the right way, and reveal the history and legends related to seafood dumplings.
People from Guangdong have a strong attachment to seafood, and this attachment is typically reflected in their pursuit of the perfect umami flavor. For Guangdong people, consuming seafood when it is at its height of freshness is as good as it gets. This standard is best observed in the way they make seafood dumplings.
Dumpling Shapes
There is a lot of meaning behind the shape of a dumpling too. Most regions make dumplings with the traditional crescent moon shape. Some, however, make dumplings in the shape of a gold ingot in order to represent wealth. In some rural communities, meanwhile, they shape their dumplings to resemble ears of wheat to symbolize an abundant harvest for the New Year. But most often, a batch of dumplings is often made with a variety of different-shaped dumplings, signifying wealth, abundance, and prosperity.