Fo-ti Root Congee
Fo-ti Root: The Fountain of Youth?
Luxuriant black hair is a symbol of youth in China. Owing to this, Chinese people have often searched for ingredients that can promote a youthful appearance, purge toxins, and reduce gray hair. Cantonese people – who revere medicinal cuisine –believe fo-ti root (he shou wu) provides exactly these properties. An herbalism manuscript from the Song dynasty asserted that frequent consumption of fo-ti root congee strengthens bone marrow and promotes youthfulness and longevity.
Fresh fo-ti root, a.k.a he shou wu, and rice are the main ingredients in this congee. Fo-ti root congee is refreshing, intensely aromatic, and tasty. It is a fantastic medicinal congee dish for people of all ages.
The Medicinal Properties of Fo-ti Root Congee
Fo-ti root congee can be effective in treating dizziness, tinnitus, premature graying, anemia, neurasthenia, hypertension, vascular sclerosis, and dry stool.

- 1.76 ounces (50 grams) fo-ti root
- 3/4 cup (150 grams) rice
- crystallized rock sugar to taste
Cooking Directions
- Rinse fo-ti root. Place in clay pot. Add appropriate amount of water. Boil to extract herbal juice. Wash rice.
- Add appropriate amount of water to clay pot and bring to rolling boil. Add rice and fo-ti root juice. After bringing to rolling boil, reduce heat to low and boil into a thick congee.
- Add crystallized sugar to taste. Serve.